Getting Along and Accepting Each Other’s Differences.
Welcome! We are so glad that you came to visit us. Here you can learn all about each one of us, and even ask us questions. We hope that you have fun on your tour through our own site. KIDS ON THE BLOCK!
About Kids on the Block
The Independent Living Resource Center’s (ILRC) Kids On the Block puppet troupe endeavors to educate children and the general public about disabilities, disability issues and social concerns.
To encourage young people to accept differences in others and to foster positive attitudes towards people who are different in some way. KOB also presents factual information about specific disabilities and performances to address the myths and stereotypes, by focusing on what an individual can do rather than what they can’t do.
Typically, each show features three disabilities, and is geared specifically to each school’s needs. Show topics include: cerebral palsy, emotional disturbance, visual impairment, ADHD, learning disabilities, bullying, Down’s Syndrome, depression, Spina Bifida, and problem solving. An interactive dialogue between children and puppets follows each script which includes a question and answer period and/or creative problem solving from the children. Some of the volunteer puppeteers share the same disabilities as their puppets and can answer questions directly related to their own personal experiences.